Gratitude and leadership

Let me ask you a question. What is one of the quickest ways to motivate and get more out of someone?  Is it to demand things and yell?  Some would say that would be effective.  But is it truly effective?  Are they doing it out of motivation and are inspired to do better?  Probably not.  They are probably doing it out of fear, and you are not going to get the best out of someone.  For example, I had a flight instructor once that just yelled and berated you while flying.  Needless to say, he did not get the best out of me.  Now at the opposite end of the spectrum, the leaders that got the most out of me where the ones that showed legitimate gratitude for the tasks they had assigned to be.  For example, I had a leader that I had to report on a program to and he would repeatedly show his sincere gratitude for my hard work on the program.  His sincerity made me want to do my best on the program.  So how can you show sincere gratitude to those we lead? I feel that it goes a lot further than just saying “Thank you!” Actions speak louder than words, so you need to SHOW your gratitude.  Some leaders are able to do big things to show their gratitude for their employees or those they lead but I honestly think that it’s the little things that make the biggest difference.  Get to know your people on a personal level.  Know their names, likes, hobbies, family.  Show a genuine interest in what they do and do it with them when time permits. Take care of them.  Take out the garbage, restock the snack bar and water jug.  These things show you really care about them, and they will take notice and want to do more for you and the company.  So, take a moment everyday to show your gratitude to your family, community, and employees.

In the spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving I want to take a moment to share my gratitude to one of the people that inspires and motivates me the most, and that is my wife.  Now I know everyone thinks they married the best person in the world, as they should.  But my wife really is the best.  She is smart, beautiful, kind, and loving.  She gets me and puts up with all my ridiculousness and adventures.  She is so caring and loving towards everyone.  She works so hard in all she does.  I am so proud of her and all that she accomplishes.  She inspires and motivates me to be better.  I am forever grateful for her, and I will try my best everyday to SHOW her my gratitude.

If we want to make a change in the world as leaders, we need to start with ourselves.  So, I challenge you to start by showing gratitude to those closest to you.  From there it will spread, and we will make the world a better place together. Remember to be good and love others.

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